Hello all,
I own a Honeywell 716 Minicomputer, in running order. It?s a general
purpose 16-bit machine, with 128 KB of ferrite core memory, a cassette
tape device, a front panel as main console, and an ASR-33 Teletype as
operator's console.
There were other peripherals, such as line printers, fixed disks, card
reader-puncher, high-speed paper tape reader, 9" tape decks... but I
only own the basic system.
The system was designed (aprox.) in June 1972.
Has anybody ever heard about such machine? I?ve spent some time looking
through the net, and looks like I?m the only one I own that system.
Perhaps Honeywell didn?t made lots of them, like DEC did with PDP's.
I?ve read somewhere (don?t know if it?s true) that first nodes in
Arpanet were Honeywell DDP 516. I think my system is the next model
(Honeywell DDP 716). In fact, mine can execute H-516's instructions set.
I also heard U.S.Navy used these systems for shot calculations.
If anybody has any information about the Honeywell DDP 516 or 716
machines, please email me. I?m looking for somebody who worked with
those systems or even better, somebody who owns one of them.
Thanks in advance.
Sergio Izquierdo Garc?a
** Computer collector **
mailto: impeesa at arrakis dot es
Received on Tue Jul 22 1997 - 05:07:13 BST