>I was picking up a load of Sun VME-bus equipment today and ran across
>some memory boards. These are definitely not for the suns, neither
>multi-bus nor vmebus. The boards are perhaps 12"x16" and are populated
>with what I presume to be memory chips (AMD 21-17559-01 / 8333EMM)
>in 16 banks of 9 chips each. The connector along the back has 6
>distinct edge-card pieces, with 18 contacts per connector per side.
That sound a lot like memory for a VAX 11/780. The one I have
is a 256K x 39 (7 of the bits are for ECC), but the previous
owner removed some of the 4164s.
Brian L. Stuart
Math/CS Dept, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN
Received on Wed Jun 18 1997 - 13:44:32 BST