I see a number of references to people who get things at hamfests,
swapfests, and other amateur radio type events. As such, I was just
curious who out there has their amateur radio license. I have one and
my call is KE6HTS.
The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club (of which I am currently VP of
Training and Education) will be having a bazaar on Saturday, July 12th
from 9AM to about noon. If anyone is interested in attending, let me
know and I will forward the directions. Hmmm, I think there is
information on the SBARC Web page,
Generally speaking, things are sold at whatever price during the first
hour, half that for the second hour, free for the taking during the last
hour, and free to intecept as the remains are carried to the dumpster.
They have quite a few older computers (condition unknown) including the
NCR PC-8 (which I have already interecepted), A SpectraGraphics CAD
setup with at least four workstations and a bunch of stuff I am not
familiar with. The PCs, PS/2s, and similar stuff will probably be
available for the taking. I would like to see the SpectraGraphics stuff
saved as well, but I am out of space for the moment.
Received on Sun Jun 22 1997 - 15:25:22 BST