TI Model Number

From: Doug Spence <ds_spenc_at_alcor.concordia.ca>
Date: Mon Mar 17 04:34:14 1997

On Sun, 16 Mar 1997 BNICALEK_at_aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 97-03-16 16:44:26 EST, you write:
> << Yes, there was a 99/2 but it came AFTER the 99/4! (Don't try to make
> sense of anything TI did related to computers)
> >>
> The TI-99/2 was never actually produced. Only pre-production units were ever
> made. This was after the TI-99/4A, back in 1983. A whole line of
> peripherals were planned to be offered, including the new HEX-BUS interface.
> The 99/2 was black and white only, 40 columns, and limited but a very
> portable computer. Only rare photos have ever been seen.

Actually, if you can find the May 1983 issue of Popular Science, there's
a two-page ad for the 99/2 inside the front cover. The first of these
pages is a photograph of Bill Cosby holding the 99/2 in front of him.

The advertising text starts with "Under $100. Meet the lowest priced,
16-bit computer available."

The machine was supposed to come with 4K, had a 48-key keyboard, and had
a "Quality, flicker-free black and white display".

One of these days I'll have the guts to cut up some magazines and have
some of these cool old ads laminated. Too bad I have so little wall space.

+--Fan of The Prisoner & Babylon 5--Citizen of the Republic of Baie d'Urfé--+
|Doug Spence // A1200 This space unintentionally |
|ds_spenc_at_alcor.concordia.ca \X/ A1000 left blank |
+--Beginning Microcomputer Collector----------PowerMonger Territories: 112--+
Received on Mon Mar 17 1997 - 04:34:14 GMT

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