Home Made Computers

From: Paul E Coad <pcoad_at_crl.com>
Date: Sun May 11 00:11:49 1997

On Sat, 10 May 1997, Susan M Johnson wrote:

> Yes, I believe it was published by TAD Books although I don't remeber the
> exact title, either. It was available at my local library. At the time I
> read it, I think I estimated it would cost about $1,000 altogether to
> build the computer. It would probably be a lot cheaper today. Seemed
> like a very good boook.
> Susan

TAB books published a few on how to build a microcomputer:

"How to Build Your Own Working Microcomputer" by Charles K. Adams
"How To Design, Build & Program your Own Working Computer System" by
Rovert P. Haviland.
"How To Design, Build & Program your Own _Advanced_ Working Computer System"
by Rovert P. Haviland)
"The 8088 Project Book" by Robert Grossblatt. ISBN 0-8306-0271-1

The first one describes how to build an 8K 8080 based machine while the
second one describes how to build a computer based on the SC/MP chip.
(I have not seen this book, but I have a copy of the follow-on book.)

There was also a book written by Steve Ciarcia titled "Build Your Own
Z-80 Computer". This one has been recommended highly. The last I
heard it was still in print. (ISBN 0-07-010962-1).

A quick look through the alt.comp.cardware.howmebuilt FAQ produced
a few more:

- "Z-80 Microcomputer Design Projects" by William Barden Jr.
   ISBN 0-672-21682-5, published by Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc
- "The Z80 Microcomputer Handbook" William Barden, Jr,

The A.C.H.H FAQ can be found at:

The Adams book seems like it was a rush job. There are quite a few
error and a few omissions in the book which should have been caught
by a proof reader.


Did TAB books just crank out books during the 80s? I haven't been able
to find a complete list of TAB books, but they cover the range from "33
Challenging Computer Games for TRS-80/Apple/Pet" (total crap) to "The
Handbook of Microcomputer Interfacing" (very good).

Received on Sun May 11 1997 - 00:11:49 BST

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