Apple III & Profile

From: Doug Spence <>
Date: Wed Aug 12 03:04:32 1998

On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, Sam Ismail wrote:

> SOS (Sophisticated Operating System - <fart>) is the pre-cursor to ProDOS.
Yeah, I'm not impressed either. ;)

> So they are similar, but I don't know what kind of compatibility they have
> between them. You should be able to get to a command line to SOS. You
> might just need a normal SOS system disk, unless that's what you have
> already.

Nope, I've just been using /UTILITIES because that's the only truly
bootable disk I got with my III. I also seem to have half (?) of Pascal,
which boots sometimes but not others, but not all the way into Pascal
because it looks for something on .D2 which I don't have. :/

If it's possible, how would I get to a command line from /UTILITIES ?

I do still have all those Apple III disk images that I got from a
publically unnamable source ( ;) ), but just getting them into
machine-readable format proved to be such a huge hassle that I never got
around to completing the task (and even my //e's Prodos disk is now
corrupted). Give me 48-hour days and I might have it done within the
week. Though a serial cable for the //c would help loads.

Does anyone know how ShrinkIt works? I think that's the format of these
disk images. I'd like to write a ShrinkIt->.dsk image converter, and then
I can cut out all kinds of messiness. I might even be able to write the
files directly to disk on my Amiga.

Doug Spence
Received on Wed Aug 12 1998 - 03:04:32 BST

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