> Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:31:42 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Doug Yowza <yowza_at_yowza.com>
> Subject: C64 for $800
> I'm no Commodore expert, but is there really anything in this lot that's
> worth more than a coupla bux, or is this just the alex-factor at work
> again?
Actually there's quite a lot of really good Commodore 64/128 stuff there...
> 1- C128-D Computer, with keyboard and internal 1571 disk drive. Jiffy Dos is built in with the switch
> on the front of the machine. In GREAT condition.
the 128D is a nice computer when you find one that works reliably. $30
> 1- Super CPU 128 with 8 Megs installed. Will put the 128-D at 20 mhz.
This is a 20 Mghz accellerator for the 128, it was just put on the market this
year. Probably good for $150 alone.
> 1- CMD RamLink with 12 Megs, includes the HDD Cable and battery backup.
Nice REU unit, does a RAM disk with it's memory and allows for fast parallel
access to CMD Hard Drives. Another $100.
> 1- 1581 Disk Drive... with Jiffy Dos
Somewhat hard to get maybe $40 at best.
> 1- CMD FD-2000 Disk Drive. 1.6 meg floppies yeah!
Improvement over the 1581, lets you also use 1.44 md disks and with right
software access IBM disks too. $75.
> 1- CMD 2 GIGAbyte Hard Drive that looks CHERRY New!
A CMD Hard Drive for your Commodore 64/128 is a must for the commodore fan,
Probably about $200 at most.
> 1- Commodore 2002 40/80 Color Monitor
Nice Monitor, can be used on Amigas too... $40.
> 1-1541 Disk Drive... Yes, WITH Jiffy Dos
> 1- 1571 Disk Drive with.... Jiffy DOS!
> 1- C64c Computer
Ok, I guess... Not too terribly exciting there... Maybe $50
> 1- Action Replay Cartridge (believe its v4 or 5)
Get $15 probably from me, I prefer Super Snapshot myself.
> At least 30+ Origional Programs
'Paid for Software' A buck a piece without knowing what it is... $30
> A whole GEOS COLLECTION, Origional in boxes.
I'm not much of a GEOS Fan. I could resell it for probably $20... Though
with an original GEOS 64 2.0 disk I coulde upgrade to the recent GEOS upgrade
- Wheels, which sounds pretty hot.
> Over 300+ 5.25 floppies, all kinds o stuff.
Read Pirated I'd go up to $30 hoping there would be a few gems of 64 software
lore hidden away.
> Once again, this is a once in a lifetime Commodore Collection. If you can pry this from my hands you've
> gotten the BEST Commodore Hardware that has ever been available anywhere.
Lifetime, no, Heck I could collect that all in a year at a fraction, just try
to find docs for a PET MTU graphics board (like I am), I have a collection of
a lifetime.
> Everything... Is in VERY GOOD working order, many things are in fantastic shape. No junk
> whatsoever. (Well I didn't go thru all 300+ floppies, treat those as "BLANKS"
> I should mention, many manuals and software for the CMD items ARE INCLUDED! The FD, the HDD, THE RL and the SCPU 128.
> Now all you gotta do is....
> Show me da Money! :)
Total about $765 dollars, not to say I would bid on it, but, it is a nice list
of equipment, and the current price is not all that out there. You can tell
by the list the guy was either a Commodore BBS sysop or heavily into GEOS,
only those two groups buy heavily into RAMLinks and mass storage units. I
Don't recognize the name Ice BBS though.
Larry Anderson - Sysop of Silicon Realms BBS (300-2400bd) (209) 754-1363
Visit my Commodore 8-Bit web page at:
Received on Mon Aug 17 1998 - 20:53:40 BST