The 800XL (circa 1983) is a streamlined version of the Atari 800 (circa
1979). Although the 800XL has 64K RAM standard, while the 800 could only
support 48K, the 800 had an expansion bus that the 800XL lacks. The 800XL
is a 1.79 MHz 6502 machine with 24K ROM including BASIC. It accepts most of
the same peripherals as the 800, including software (mostly game)
cartridges. It has 2 joystick ports that accept 2600-style joysticks.
Floppy drives are available, which run Atari DOS. See
The Atari 520ST (circa 1985) is a 16 MHz Motorola 68000-based machine that
was created to compete against the Commodore Amiga (Atari almost acquired
Amiga Technologies before Commodore did, and was always jealous of that
fact). It indeed runs a GEM-based GUI and the TOS operating system. The
STf version has an internal floppy drive, and the STfm version has a floppy
drive and RF modulator. See
-----Original Message-----
From: Max Eskin []
Sent: Monday, August 24, 1998 11:46 AM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Ataris
Today I saw an Atari 5?0ST and an 800XL. As I understand, the ST ran
GEM. Is this an interesting computer at all? What about the XL? Was
this one of the BASIC computers?
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Received on Mon Aug 24 1998 - 16:21:10 BST