> On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Doug Yowza wrote:
> > > In Word, type: "I'd like to see Bill Gates dead"
> > > Highlight the sentence. Then go into Tools, Thesaurus.
> > > Looks like there are some disgruntled Microsoft employees out there.
> Wow! At first I was ROTFLMAO. But then I found the response is the same
> if you give it "joe smith" ;( Oh well, still amusing (and take a look
> through the other suggested phrases while you're at it.)
This isn't an easter egg at all (nor are the half-dozen "jokes" like this I've
seen floating around). It's just that phrase isn't in the thesaurus so the
closest thing it found alphabetically was a phrase beginning with "I'll".
There is no intended meaning coorelation; because it didn't understand the
meaning of the original phrase, it fell back on finding something
lexicographically close rather than close in meaning.
_______ KB7PWD _at_ KC7Y.AZ.US.NOAM ecloud_at_goodnet.com
(_ | |_) Shawn T. Rutledge on the web: http://www.goodnet.com/~ecloud
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Received on Mon Aug 24 1998 - 16:25:07 BST