A nifty demo

From: Doug Yowza <yowza_at_yowza.com>
Date: Mon Dec 14 15:53:15 1998

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Hans Franke wrote:

> would know them. Shure, Xerox had a bunch of Software
> and Hardware 'code'names and even more numbers and sales
> names, and Viewpoint might be the correct sales name, but
> using the term 'Star' and everybody knows (At least everybody
> with a minimum brain^H^H^H^H^Hhistoric knowledge).
> http://www.best.com/~curbow/xerox/retrospect/images/figure8.jpg
> is a real nice picture about that :)

The figure shows a mix of software and hardware, and maybe there's no real
reason to separate the two, but I think of it as:
        Star ran on the 8010 (codenamed Dandelion)
        Viewpoint ran on the 6085 (codenamed Daybreak)

AFAIK, the Siemens box was an OEM version of the 6085, and the only
difference was the color.

-- Doug
Received on Mon Dec 14 1998 - 15:53:15 GMT

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