OT Netscape help was Re: Neat time-wasters for DEC enthusiasts

From: Hans B Pufal <hansp_at_digiweb.com>
Date: Tue Dec 15 16:07:05 1998

Zane H. Healy wrote:
> The one down side is that while they are text files they all end in .DOC,
> which Netscrape seems conviced it has to download instead of viewing.
> Anyone know how to fix that? I don't think I've ever run across a .DOC
> file on the web that was actually MS Word, but find a LOT of text files
> like that. I'd like to simply be able to open them in the web browser!

You should be able to change the association of .DOC from WORD to your
favorite text editor. I use Netscape 4.05 and the relevent section is
Edit-Preferences-Navigator-Applications. Find the MSWORD application,
press edit and change the mime type and the program to launch. You can
also tell Navigator to ask you before downloading/opening the document.


Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
<mailto:hansp_at_digiweb.com> <http://digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc>
Received on Tue Dec 15 1998 - 16:07:05 GMT

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