Apple 1

From: Jim Weiler <>
Date: Sat Dec 26 17:54:13 1998

>On Sat, 26 Dec 1998, Jim Weiler wrote:
>> I've
>> got a number of the early MC68000 (gold & ceramic) chips that would have
>> been used in this circuitry. -Jim Weiler
>Uhh, the 68000 didn't exist in the days of the Apple 1. The apple 1 used
>a 6502 (or a 6800 IIRC -- is that what you meant?).

Nope, sorry, my mistake. What I have is the 68000. I misread the text
there, and jumped to an extra zero. Nevermind. I wasn't into computers that
far back, but I still think it'd be kewl to build one of those up from
scratch. -Jim Weiler
             "I wish I was deep, instead of just macho."
 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jim Weiler
Received on Sat Dec 26 1998 - 17:54:13 GMT

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