Found a decent use for a PC...

From: William Donzelli <>
Date: Sun Feb 22 01:11:27 1998

> <No, it's just something about REALLY LARGE frontpanel boxes that rules.
> <The KA-10 is plain awesome.

Yes, frontpanels do. It is a shame that no computer has had one since the
1970s. There just is no need for them anymore.

What was the last machine to have a switch register and lights? The oldest
I can think of is one of the HP1000s (help me with the model number!).

> Half the problem is finding one that is complete enough with minimim
> peripherals. The peripherals also eat power. just the cpu with a hack
> to use modern disks for power and space savings wouldn't be out of line.

Has anyone actually captured a KA-10? There has _got_ to be one stuffed
away in a barn somewhere.

William Donzelli
Received on Sun Feb 22 1998 - 01:11:27 GMT

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