Modern Minimalism (Was: Future Computing Trends)

From: Mike Allison <>
Date: Fri Feb 27 12:41:38 1998

AUTOEXEC.BAT line to execute the program
REXX script
A program which bootstraps the other program.

The latter is possible in Dos/CPM/etc as there are compilers for that,
but no real compiler yet for Elks, nor a bulletproff shell, though it's


Roger Ivie wrote:
> > What would be nice is an ELKS-like thing for DOS, so that one could
> > stick in a floppy disk, and it would boot into any program that you
> > choose, without Command.Com.
> You can already do this using SHELL= in CONFIG.SYS. I did this many
> years ago (more than 10, OK? (Have I really been puting up with MS-DOS that
> long?)) to make a diskette that booted directly into WordStar.
> Roger Ivie
Received on Fri Feb 27 1998 - 12:41:38 GMT

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