At 22:12 1/18/98 -0500, John wrote:
>Okay, I know NeXT was the baby of Steve Jobs, but what exactly is it based
>on? Is it an entirely new animal? If anyone can point me to some info, I'd
>appreciate it.
68030- or 68040-based, running a variant of MACH UNIX called NeXTSTEP. At
first caused a furor by being equipped only with MO drives, not hard disks
-- they backtracked on that pretty fast. Ethernet. Most of them were
grayscale but a few really flossy ones had 24-bit color. Your choice of
300x300 Canon flatbed color ink-jet printer or 400x400 b&w PostScript
laser. Everything in achingly beautiful matching black magnalium cases by
frogdesign. In their time (like the Lisa) computers that too few people
understood; today, secure in recognition as some of the most elegant
desktop boxes ever built, and machines that you can still have a TON of fun
with. If the world were a just place, the NeXT (and the Lisa too) would be
a computer NEVER in danger of being scrapped....
Kip Crosby
Computer History Association of California
Received on Mon Jan 19 1998 - 02:31:27 GMT