UCSD Pascal on Europlus

From: David Williams <dlw_at_neosoft.com>
Date: Wed Jan 28 03:56:39 1998

On 27 Jan 98 at 23:42, Kip Crosby wrote:

> At 15:33 1/28/98 +1100, Huw Davies wrote:
> >....I seem to remember
> >that to run UCSD Pascal you needed the "Euro+" Apple II. Can anyone confirm
> >this?
> Well, that's not a combo I've run, but if a Europlus will do it, any
> ][+ should do it, the implication being that you need 48K RAM. (32K
> mainboard and the Language Card?? Help me out here....)
> __________________________________________
> Kip Crosby engine_at_chac.org
> http://www.chac.org/index.html
> Computer History Association of California
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Wed Jan 28 1998 - 03:56:39 GMT

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