Compaq (off topic)

From: Charles A Davis <>
Date: Mon Jul 20 14:50:33 1998

Max Eskin wrote:
> Sorry to continue, but I don't currently have newsgroup access and
> I have serached on the newsgroups for my problem via Dejanews.
> I decided to attempt to recharge my battery using a PC power supply.
> Will this work? The battery is labelled to be 12V, 1.7 Ahr. It's a
> NiCd. The power supply is 12V 6Ah. I'm doing it now, but I'm wondering
> how long I should leave it, or should I not have done it at all.
> Also, can I power the laptop with 6ah directly from the PSU though
> the battery is rated at 1.7 without frying it?
> No more questions about this from me. Thanks.
> P.S. does anyone know why this laptop has three batteries? THe main
> one that I was talking about above, a little black 2.7v NiCd like on
> a PC, and a round flat one like in a watch, only bigger. What's this
> last one for?
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Hi Max:
The little round 'coin' sized one, is the 'CMOS' backup battery. That's
the culprit, when your system loses it's mind, and cand find the 'hard
disk (before that happens, you _may_ notice that the DATE & TIME go
bonkers)'. The 2.7v NiCad, is probably additioonal CMOS backup. I can't
think of anything else, but someone with specific knowledge could 'chime

The 'main' NiCad, shouldn't be charged at more than 1700ma, for 10 Hrs.
If the 'float voltage of the battery goes over the 12v figure, that will
cut down the charging current. The _best_ thing would be a milliammeter
on the PS output, and a variac controlling input of the _big_ PS.

Now, as to whether or not you can get away with the 'big PS' on the
laptop instead of the battery? If at all possible, don't try. The
battery is providing an imense ammount of conditioning to the incoming
power flow. (There are amazing ammounts of garbage floating on top of
the normal PS output. [everything from 'lightning induced spikes, on
down to spikes from the local refrigerator turning on].) If you _must_
try, it won't hurt to throw a few thousand mfd of capacitor across
things. Voltage wise, you are probably O.K.


He, who will not reason, is a bigot;       William Drumond,
he, who cannot, is a fool;                  Scottish writer
and he, who dares not, is a slave.              (1585-1649)
While he that does, is a free man!          Joseph P. 1955-
Chuck Davis  /  Sutherlin Industries   FAX # (804) 799-0940
1973 Reeves Mill Road            E-Mail --
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Received on Mon Jul 20 1998 - 14:50:33 BST

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