On Thu, 30 Jul 1998, James L. Rice wrote:
> in my garage I use "elfa" shelves sold by The Container Store in the
> Dallas area. Home Depot and Lowes Home Centers sell a slightly lighter
> duty version of the same shleves often used in closets. in my warehouse
> I use "gorilla racks" sold by warehouses like Sam's and Costco. It's a
> version of the snap together industrial warehouse shelving.
Another good rack is the Metro brand. They are a wire mesh shelf with
hollow tubing for the supports. The shelves have rings that slip over the
tubes, and the height of each shelf is set by a split plastic sheath that
clamps around the tubing and wedges into the shelf hole. They are very
sturdy and hold an enormous amount of weight. I have a four shelf, 2' x 4'
rack that is currently supporting what must be about 1000 lbs. A great
feature of them is the wire mesh, since it allows for air flow. I
currently have one in my home office that is supporting my network
cluster. The downside is their price: about $300 for a 2' x 4' 4-shelf
rack. However, I got mine at a bankruptcy sale. A west coast home
merchandise chain store was selling all their fixtures and stuff, so I
bought two 4-shelf 2'x4' racks for $80 a piece and one 2-shelf rack for
Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.
September 26 & 27...Vintage Computer Festival 2
http://www.siconic.com/vcf for details!
[Last web page update: 07/26/98]
Received on Thu Jul 30 1998 - 20:54:49 BST