Help, Anyone know what this is?

From: Charles A. Davis <>
Date: Sun Mar 1 22:45:36 1998

will emerson wrote:
> Found in a box of stuff rescued (via a friend)..FWIW the box this
> thing was in,
> was IBM factory labeled... Board, measuring approx 6 in x 3 in. at the
> top left is
> a centronix female connector. About 3/4 in to the right, is what appears
> to be a RCA
> type phono jack. The part number on the board is 79F4761.. There appears
> to be
> two (memory?) sockets on it, one of which is empty, the other has a
> label on it, that
> reads as follows:
> 239X .STD
> V0.86
> 92-2-27 23A7
> Inscribed directly on the chip is:
> -150DC
> 1506NOT
> (copyright symbol) 1988 AMD
> Can anybody clue me in on this thing?
> AdvTHANKSance,
> Will

Hi Will:

Just a guess, but it may be a 'pre' PC printer card.

Untill IBM decided to save a few cents, and foisted off their kluge of a
'parallel port' using a DB25 connector, it was almost 'set in stone'
that a DB25 connection was RS232 serial. The printer ports all used the
centronix connector.
(And YES, I'm still peeved at IBM for doing that.)


He, who will not reason, is a bigot;       William Drumond,
he, who cannot, is a fool;                  Scottish writer
and he, who dares not, is a slave.              (1585-1649)
While he that does, is a free man!          Joseph P. 1955-
 (be sure to correct the return address when using 'reply')
Chuck Davis  /  Sutherlin Industries   FAX # (804) 799-0940
1973 Reeves Mill Road            E-Mail --
Sutherlin, Virginia 24594            Voice # (804) 799-5803
Received on Sun Mar 01 1998 - 22:45:36 GMT

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