Calc wars

From: Kip Crosby <>
Date: Tue Mar 3 20:41:20 1998

At 18:16 3/3/98 PST, Max wrote:
>Is a TI-8x or 92 a calculator or computer? I mean, a TI-92 uses a
>68000 processor, has some 128k ram, and a full (if not full-sized)
>keyboard. A friend of mine is making a multitasking shell for it.

That's a very good point. A TI-85 is a 6 MHz Z80, a TI-92 is a 10 MHz 68K;
they can both graph like bandits and are adequate game machines. I've
always called them computers and, though my stand-straight-and-salute
loyalty is to HP, I have harbored impure thoughts about a 92; just never
quite parted with the $160 for one. (Now, if I could hook a Kittyhawk to a

Kip Crosby
Computer History Association of California
Received on Tue Mar 03 1998 - 20:41:20 GMT

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