Frank McConnell wrote:
> Joe <> wrote:
> > However they are compatable at the DOS level.
> Be careful how you use those words. I'd say that about the HP 110 and
> 150. A program written using MS-DOS services only (vs. direct
> hardware access or BIOS services) stands a good chance of running
> across both, as well as the IBM PC.
Yeah, the thing is that almost no software for the IBM PC world avoids
that. Certainly nothing I ever wrote ;) Int 8, 9, 10h, 13h, 14h, 16h
are all pretty much automatic, along with direct video access and timer
and interrupt port accesses. Maybe the 6300 can survive all that
though... Just because it had higher resolution capability doesn't mean
standard modes won't be mapped the same as an IBM. I wouldn't know.
Received on Tue Mar 03 1998 - 23:25:57 GMT