Altair in sheep's clothing? Not a chance! Wait till you see inside!
The motherboard is organised in ROWS of chips, something like A to F
And... it's stationed at the top (ie: roof) of the machine.
Amazing amazing. Its an 8080A by the way.
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Yowza <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: Datanumerics DL8A is here! Have a peek _at_ ...
>On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, Andrew Davie wrote:
>> It arrived 10 minutes ago.
>> I'm so excited, I just put up a quick web page so you can all see it.
>> Its obviously not an IMSAI...? So... anyone know anything about it.
>> Comments appreciated (even "I want it!!")
>OK, I want it!! Very cool. It looks a lot like an Altair (from the pix,
>I saw a one-to-one correspondence to Altair toggles). According to Hans
>Pufal's list, it came out the same year as the Altair (1975):
>Any chance it is an Altair in sheep's clothing?
>-- Doug
Received on Wed Mar 04 1998 - 00:59:20 GMT