Picked up another truckload! Take a look?

From: Cord Coslor & Deanna Wynn <archive_at_navix.net>
Date: Wed Mar 4 03:07:17 1998


Yep, this last weekend I picked up another truckload of goodies. Mainly
Apple stuff but there is some TI, Mac, IBM, etc., stuff in there. The
list follows here. Please let me know if you want any of this! Amazing
how, until two weeks ago, I had very little Apple stuff, and now I have
more than I can handle!!

Also, for all of you who responded the last time I made a similar post,
thanks for doing so! Your help on identifying many of the items was
great. And for all of you who have requested stuff, I apologize in
getting back to you in such a deliquent manner.... the e-mails are on
file, I've just been so busy lately! I will get back to you and get this
stuff out to you, that's a promise!!

Please take a look at the URL in my signature at the very bottom...
there's the complete inventory of what I have on-line, and also pages
for what I am looking for. Other pages I have there are some interesting
links, an Adventure International page (the classic game company-- Scott
Adams), my autographed memorabilia page, classic computer photo gallery,
downloads, and this 'what's new' list, and some other stuff you may like
to browse.

Anyway, here is the recent list of what I just got. Let me know if you
can take some off of my hands or have some info. on it, ok?

Thanks for your time,




* Texas Instruments TI-99/4a computer - with the silver case. Are these
more rare than the tan cases? Model # PHC004a Ser # 8184424.
*Apple //e computer. This has 2 drives attached internally as well. This
computer also has keys with white lettering on them. I have others that
are black lettered (???). Model # A252064. The twod rives are Disk ][.
Drive Model # are A2M0003. Seriel # on the drives are: 416072 & 788419.
Computer ser. # is 020130. Oh, computer also has a printer cable coming
out the back.
* Apple //e computer. This one has a volumn adjuster and a large
ear-phone jack added into the case. Also this model has a the light to
the left of the open-Apple button. Black lettering on the keyboard. Has
been stripped of all the cards out the back, although looking in, it has
some stuff in there yet. Model # A2S2064
* Apple //e computer. Has been stripped of just about everything
internally. Need to open it up to see what exactly is there still!

* Apple monitor: Model #A2M2010 - green phosphor with internal tilting
* Macintosh 12" Monochrome Display. Family #: M1050. Has a note that
says, "blury screen." Haven't tested.
* Apple Monitor ///. Model #: A3M0039 - made in June 1983.

Disk Drives/Other Storage
* Apple 3.5" disk drive... is this for Mac only or //e, etc also? Model
* 2 Apple Disk // drives... More info found above in the CPU section --
attached to a machine.
* IBM 4869 5.25" disk drive. I have 3 of these. They have big, heavy
duty cables attached which go to the machine. Does anyone have more
information on these?

*Printer Pro Parallel Printer Interface for the Apple //+, //e, and //GS
computers. With original box and instructions, cable and all original
* Two Apple printers that weigh a ton!! Tan cases, 80 column printers
(?) Model #: A9M0303.
* Apple // Imagewriter // printer.
* Apple wide-carriage printer (160 column?) Model # A9M0305 - no power

* Ernie's Quiz by Apple & Children's Television Workshop. Manual
* Level II BASIC Reference manual for the TRS-80 - 2nd Edition.
* Apple HyperCard User's Guide.
* Apple // 80-Column Text Card Manual.
* Apple // AppleMouse User's Manual
* Ashton-Tate Developer Registry, 2nd Edition. Ashton-Tate made Dbase
/// Plus. 540 pages. 1988
* Tank Tactics Teacher's Guide for Program Nos. 1-7 -- for Apple and
TRS-80, TRS-80 CoCo. With plastic
* PCA/XT 88 Personal Computer User's Guide. 143 pages. No clue who
published this, but a ton of good info.
* Wing Commander ??: Vengeance of the Kilrathi manual. By Reveal
Computer Products. 23 pages.
* Learning BASIC Programming in 14 days on Your Commodore 64 by Gil M.
Schecter (SAMS). 192 pages.
* Radio Shack JP1000 Ink Jet Printer Manual User's Guide #26-2960. 200
pages (?)
* Radio Shack JP1000 Ink Jet Printer Guide to Printing in Colour.
#26-2963. 40 pages(?).
* Radio Shack JP1000 Ink Jet Printer - Printer Driver User's Guide. 20
* Write Now v. 2.2 for the Macintosh manual. 235 pages.
* HyperTalk Beginner's Guide: An Introducting to Scripting. For Mac. 150
* Macintosh manual. (2 copies... one has water-damage). 160 pages.
* Atari Games & Rectreations. Programming book for the Atari 400 and
800. reston Publishing Company.338 pages
* The Epson Connection: Macintosh by Rick Dayton. 260 pages. Use of
Epson printers with the Mac.
* Apple // Monitor // User's Manual.12 pages. (2 copies)
* Tandy Personal DeskMate 2 manual... for the 1000 series. 463 pages.
* Apple // Apple 5.25 Drive Owner's Guide. 18 pages... for
//,//+,//e,//c,//GS computers.
* Apple // Extended 80-Column Text Card Supplement - for //e only. 60
* Apple // 80-Column Text Card Manual for //e only. 75 pages. (2 copies)

* About You Enhanced Apple //e: User's Guide. 14 pages.
* BITFax manual: A Communications Program for Send Fax Modems. By Bit
Software, Inc of Multipas, CA. 91 pgs.
* Apple direct magazine. Vol. 3 No. 2 Nov. 1990. 32 pages.
* Apple schematics sheet by Data Technology. The card this is for can be
found at the bottom of the misc section
* Apple // Technical Notes - May 1988 written by Scott Knaster of Apple
Computer. 200+ pages, Stapes and 3-ring punched.

*Archer joystick for a PC. It has a fairly 'tall' stick on it, with two
buttons on the front. Also has trim settings, auto fire option, A/b
selectors for both directions, and four suction cups on the bottom. Has
both 15 and 9 pin plugs.
*Joystick.... I'd like some information on this one. It is a tan box
about 5 inches by 3 inches. The joystick itself is just 2 inches or so
tall. Has trim settings also. Two buttons, which look like classic
self-destruct buttons or something. Is was made by TG Products of Plano,
TX. To connect it to a computer, it has a long blue ribbon cable (inch
wide?) with 15 pins on the end. The pins are just out there all by
themselves! Is this for an Apple computer?
*MCP AP-16 Memory Module: I would like some info on this. This is some
type of expansion card, etc. It is about 8 inches long and 3 inches
wide. It contains 18 chips, 10 of which say AM9016EPC & 8248FMP. The
other chips are labeled SP225, SP229, P218, SP245-b, SP220, and SP238.
The card also has a red switch on it. Really no other information...
oh, it also has 4 led lights. Please let me know something about this!
*Expansion card of some sort for the Apple //e. This is about 3"x2" as
is (c) 1988 by Applied Engineering. It says ][e 64k on the side by the
'plug-in', and on the other side is says KEYBOARD. Please let me know
how this thing is used!
* 1.5 foot cable. Adapter of some sort. Looks like a PC joystick
adapter. 15 pin male to 9 pin female.
* Joystick -- called Laser Joystick. It is small has has 2 buttons on
the side. I know of the Laser computer series, etc. (I have a Laser 300,
some kids computers, and want a Laser 50!) by V-tech... didn't realise
they made joysticks. Has a 9 pin connector on it. Does anyone know what
computer this was for, or when it was made?
* Some type of expansion card... presumably for the Apple. Has 19
various chips on it. Made by Data Technology Corp. Would love some more
tips on what this might be.

*Apple Presents the //e: An Introduction - and a backup copy which has
been copied.
*Apple DOS 3.3 DemoDisk
* Courseware Sampler by Random House: Tutorial Comprehension. Side A & B
- Apple
* Courseware Sampler by Random House: Tutorial Comprehension. Side C & D
- Apple
* Apple //e and //c Diagnostic Disk
* Using Context Clues, Program #1. for the Apple //. By Imperial
International Learning Corp.
* Sequencing Events, Program #4 for the Apple //. By Imperial
International Learning Corp.
* The O'Brien Vocabulary Placement Test by Activity Records for the
Apple // - 48k.
* Blank double sided disk
* Knowledge Master disks. Used in schools for a national competition.
Geez, I used to use these in school! For the Apple and I got 6 copies.
* Mastertype's Writer for the Apple //e and //c. By Scarborough Systems,
* Teacher's Software Library by the Duncan Institute of New Port
Richey, FL. (Apple?)
* Scholastic PFS: Write for the Apple //c & //e. By Software Publishing
* Math Shop for Apple //+, //e, //c. By Scholastic.
* Telewrite-80 vers. 1.0 Rev. B -- not original (copy).... for what
computer I don't know?
* IBM Assistant Home Solutions by IBM.
* Visicalc in original box by VisiCorp Personal Software. Has both
original disks and two backups. Original Manual, notebook for all, etc.
* * 3.5" disks for the Mac. Hyperdrive boot disk, HyperStudio, Stupid
Mac Tricks by Bob LeVitus, 3 disk by EduComp.

|       Cord G. Coslor    :  archive_at_navix.net      |\
|       Deanna S. Wynn    : deannasue_at_navix.net     | |
|---------------------------------------------------| |
| http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/4395 | |
|---------------------------------------------------| |
|  PO Box 308 - Peru, NE - 68421 - (402) 872- 3272  | |
|___________________________________________________| |
Received on Wed Mar 04 1998 - 03:07:17 GMT

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