Datanumerics DL8A is here! Have a peek _at_ ...
>Propose a slightly labor intensive but very practiceable method.
>Once the machine is operational step through the eporms using the front
>pannel and write down the data on a sheet of's only 1024 bytes.
>it can be then typed into another machine and stored, disassembled or
>whatever. Hand disassembly of 1024 bytes it's not that bad, I've done
>it in the past.
Just received by email from the original owner...
"When I got the DL8a there were only the 4 EPROMs. Not sure what's in them
though, I found the what I assume was the code in the EPROMs when stepping
through memory, but I couldn't be bothered trying to disassemble it. "
I guess this implies that it was probably working, and that it would be safe
to power-up and step through the memory myself. Any agreement here, or is
this a bad idea?
Received on Sat Mar 07 1998 - 05:33:09 GMT
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