Several weeks ago I posted a question about whether a standard
PC DD/DD drive could read/write ATARI floppy disks. I got one
responce which was in the negative... however, at the time the
comp.sys.atari.8bit faq wasn't available from my news server (both
comp.sys.atari.8bit and news.answers). Well, it is now and I have a
correct answer. Check:
Subject: 11.2) Can I read/write 8-bit Atari disks on an IBM-PC?
There are several programs that allow an MS-DOS system to work with an
Atari-format diskette. The following require a DOS and disk drive on
the Atari end capable of the SS/DD 180K format:
[... details snipped for brevity]
Guess it's time to get DosEMU working again. ;-)
Received on Sat Mar 07 1998 - 11:45:09 GMT