All right, I have another bombing of questions and theories for y'all.
1)What was the first network server product for the IBM PC architecture?
2)Let's take the GRiD server as an example (I have never seen a GRiD
machine, BTW). How does it differ from any desktop system?
3)Have there been any machines that made extensive use of a truly
unusual architecture? What I am looking for is twofold: I am
interested if anything ever used a neural network-like arrangement,
and I am interested in something that had a processor that
interacted w/the user and a separate one to do the processing
(ie a real-time system capable of doing all that a normal one can)
These are for my personal investigations, but I have a feeling that
many new ideas have been tried before to some extent.
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Received on Mon Mar 09 1998 - 18:00:47 GMT