Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again....

From: David Wollmann <>
Date: Mon Mar 16 03:13:25 1998

At 11:38 PM 3/15/98 +0000, you wrote:
>> IMHO. But to go even further back, was there any IBM-bashing before
>> the 80's?
>Well, according to the Jargon File (aka The Hacker's Dictionary), IBM
>minis and mainframes were not liked by hackers (who prefered DEC, etc),
>not only because they were generally programmed in things like Cobol, but
>also because technical info was next-to-impossible to obtain. It was
>difficult to do neat things with them.
>I don't know if that counts as IBM bashing or not.

The IBM midrange and mainframe stuff I've worked on (S/36, AS/400, MVS,
etc.) has always been _very_ proprietary. It's taken me three years just to
learn the name of the IBM manual that describes the inwards of the file
system on the System/36.

Is it this dearth of technical information that accounts for the lack of
interest in collecting old IBM?

David Wollmann			|		| Support for legacy IBM products.
DST Technical Support	| Data, document and file conversion for
IBM		| legacy file and media formats.
Received on Mon Mar 16 1998 - 03:13:25 GMT

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