Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again....

From: Lawrence Wilkinson <>
Date: Mon Mar 16 15:28:59 1998

In article <012701bd510c$1ef12720$>, Jack
Peacock <> writes
>a 4KB paper tape Basic for the Altair was bloated? Compared to
>what, the 2KB Tiny Basic Dr. Dobbs was pushing? At least you
>got paper tape for the Altair, the Dr. Dobbs version you had to
>type in from very small print in the magazine. And most
>important, Bill's 4K Basic worked, did anyone ever get the IMSAI
>paper tape Basic to work? (We gave up and threw ours away after
>several futile tries)
Does anyone remember Basic5, for CP/M IIRC? It was a 5k Basic which
took up about 8k. As for small languages, ETI published 'Simple' for
the 8080 c.1977 which was a non-trivial self-contained interactive
interpreter, in 256 bytes including space for your own UART drivers.
Lawrence Wilkinson                        
The GirlFrendo homepage:
"You've got the brains, or so you say, maybe you see things another way"-bis
Received on Mon Mar 16 1998 - 15:28:59 GMT

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