DG/UX for AViiON AV-400 system?

From: Ronald Kneusel <rkneusel_at_post.its.mcw.edu>
Date: Wed Mar 18 10:08:07 1998

My brother recently purchased a Data General AViiON AV-400 machine at an
auction ($20) It is in a tower case and has 16 MB RAM, 320 MB SCSI hard
drive. He was told by someone at DG that it runs at 20 MHz using a
Motorola 88000 processor.

He was able to get the machine to talk to a PC connected to the com port
and it works and comes up with

DG/UX Bootstrap version 4.3

error, logical partition not found

(or similar wording)

Does this mean:

(a) the SCSI drive is bad
(b) the OS has been deleted

And, if (b) how would he get a version of DG/UX or is there another flavor
of Unix that would run on the machine? There is very little on the net
about these beasts.

Any help appreciated!

- Ron Kneusel
Received on Wed Mar 18 1998 - 10:08:07 GMT

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