Let's all take a minute to digest a new daily affirmation/mantra:
Vintage computers....
Vintage computers....
Vintage computers....
Vintage computers....
Vintage computer: I just became the custodian of a NorthStar Horizon
sporting four (count 'em) massive 64KB ram boards. Giving breath to
those memory boards is a four port serial board, a floppy controller
driving a 5 1/4" full height floppy drive, and a ST-506 interface hard
drive controller driving a hdd which I don't as yet have identified.
Of course it is powered by a Z-80A workhorse. This baby also sports a
lovely brushed aluminum front panel and I believe is one of the later
production model Horizons as it has a red led on the front panel (the
Horizons I've seen in the old Byte Magazines from the late 1970's
don't have an led pictured).
Does anybody have any details on the history of NorthStar? I would
appreciate any ideas on where I might reseach their history.
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: On Flames and Mailing lists, and a bit about computers
Author: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 3/19/98 3:19 PM
Here we go again......you'll never learn from past experience, will you?
Jack Peacock wrote:
> Enrico Tedeschi wrote:
> >I feel that ANY rule in ANY organization is wrong.
> >
> >In the case of mailing lists or newsgroups if messages are off
> topic than
> >either the senders are not answered OR the recipients who do
> not agree move
> >away from that list or newsgroup. There no need to police and
> policing: they
> >should be self adjusting. History has proved time and time
> again that
> >centralized and fascist societies do not last long and do come
> to and end
> >(often abruptedly).
> Good heavens, another libertarian anarchist. It's people like
> you who build computers in your garage instead of accepting that
> only billion dollar corporations have the resources to build
> computer products. Where would Bill Gates be today if he
> believed in ideals like that? Why, he'd be worth billions of
> dollars....hmm....wait a second, that didn't come out right.
> Jack Peacock
Enrico Tedeschi, 54 Easthill Drive, Brighton BN41 2FD, UK
Tel/fax(+01273) 701650 (24 hours) and 0498 692465 (mobile)
please visit my website at: <
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From: Enrico Tedeschi <e.tedeschi_at_ndirect.co.uk>
To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers"
Subject: Re: On Flames and Mailing lists, and a bit about computers
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