> From: John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com>
> Subject: Re: OK, Time to make an attempt at ending this...
> I thought the public posting of private messages was quite egregious, too,
> but Daniel didn't do that.
> - John
> Jefferson Computer Museum <http://www.threedee.com/jcm>
No, I did that. One of them was a mistake, the other (from
Bill) was intended. I am not completely pleased with my behavior two
days ago, still, the list continues and our crisis seems over. So
since we, as a list, will now have the opportunity to decide who
should maintain the list in a democratic manner, what's left to do is
make amends and work out the details.
I've taken partisan views by involving myself in this whole
mess so I am _not_ a viable candidate for list maintainer. We need to
find someone else we all trust and who hasn't offended anyone. Will
someone chime up? I'm hoping that Bill will let us continue to host
the list on his server; I'd rather not have the list change over to a
new host, it's just one more PITA to deal with.
Finally, while I don't want Sam as the list maintainer, I'd
like to publicly apologize to him both for some of the things I said
in private email, and for one private email which I mistakenly posted
publicly. Sam has made _significant_ contributions to this list and I
respect him for that. I've sent him a personal apology in private
email and asked him to rejoin the list. I hope others who respect
Sam, and the contributions he's made to this list, will do the same.
Sam, I'm sorry. Please accept my public apology for both
posting private email and for jumping the gun in accusing you of
censorship. I was wrong and wish to make amends.
J. Maynard Gelinas
Received on Fri Mar 20 1998 - 15:36:04 GMT