On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, David Wollmann wrote:
> I have a MicroTech ReformaTTer unit with two 8" NEC floppies attached to a
> PC with the MicroTech FDC. Both drives seemed to be in need of a tune-up
> (head alignment, in particular) when I installed the unit, and now (this is
> four yrs. later) I can only read diskettes with one drive, the other just
> gives me "sector not found" errors.
> Is it practical for me (me = board swapper) to try to align the heads on
> these drives manually by trial and error? Is there still a source for the
> disk required to do it the right way? I have access to a scope if I need one.
Accurite Technologies, Inc.
231 Charcot Avenue
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- don
> --
> David Wollmann
> dwollmann_at_ibmhelp.com
Don Maslin - Keeper of the Dina-SIG CP/M System Disk Archives
Chairman, Dina-SIG of the San Diego Computer Society
Clinging tenaciously to the trailing edge of technology.
Sysop - Elephant's Graveyard (CP/M) - 619-454-8412
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Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 13:10:53 GMT