At 06:51 AM 3/24/98 -0800, you wrote:
>What's an RA90? Can I use one to replace a RA81?
>Are they removeable? Heavy? Bizarre? How big?
>The point is, this RA81 is dying and I have a chance to get a RA90.
>I haven't even seen it yet. Is this worth it?
It's a 1.2 gig SDI drive, so it should replace your RA81 nicely. The HDA
looks to be about 8", and sits vertically in a box with the logic board.
Then a blower clips on the front of the whole thing. Usually, you see two
of them side by side on a shelf that takes up the same amount of space as
an RA81/82. If you need the power numbers, I can get them for you, but I
can assure you it'll draw less than your RA81. Definitely worth it.
-- Brian
Brian Harrington
Digital Knowledge Center
Johns Hopkins University
Received on Tue Mar 24 1998 - 09:45:51 GMT