Yesterday I did the Silicon Valley Elderhostel comp. hist. lecture, and in
the Q&A afterwards, a woman from one of the gold rush ~ghost towns in the
Sierra said that her school had been given two HP Vectra 486's, but with no
OS's. HP has been forced to follow MS' ultimatum (who but MS could or
would step on HP?) and can only supply her with Win95, which these boxes
don't have the horsepower for, on CD, but.... no CD drives either. She
badly needs HP Vectra OEM Windows 3.1(1) on 3.5" floppies, and HP's
response to her is basically "We're only allowed to tell you that that
never existed."
Can anybody help with a copy? TVMIA --
Kip Crosby
Computer History Association of California
Received on Tue Mar 24 1998 - 10:40:28 GMT