What size disks does the IBM S/36 use and is this the same machine you
refer to as a "System 36"?? I may have a whole batch of books and disks
coming to me in the very near future and am curious if they may be of
any value to anyone out in "pooter land".
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
Phone: (502) 756-1749 Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
Email: rhblake_at_bbtel.com or rhblake_at_bigfoot.com
ICQ # 1714857
* Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
Received on Wed Mar 25 1998 - 12:15:52 GMT