Top 10 Holy Grails of Classic Microcomputer Collecting

From: Huw Davies <>
Date: Mon Oct 5 23:30:41 1998

At 12:10 AM 06-10-98 -0400, William Donzelli wrote:
>> Well I'd add a Ferranti Atlas for all the obvious reasons.
>I probably should have added some foriegn iron, but I must admit, I am
>unfamiliar with it. Certainly some of the big Japanese and British stuff
>would count.

The Atlas is famous for two important things - virtual memory and
timesharing. The Atlas was the first commercial machine to have hardware
support for paging and hence virtual memory. A neat timesharing system
resulted. I also seem to recall a nice Algol compiler for it too. I'll see
if I can remember to check my copy of "Algol-60 Compilation and Assessment"
which will have the gory details :-)

 Huw Davies | e-mail:
 Information Technology Services | Phone: +61 3 9479 1550 Fax: +61 3 9479 1999
 La Trobe University | "If God had wanted soccer played in the
 Melbourne Australia 3083 | air, the sky would be painted green"
Received on Mon Oct 05 1998 - 23:30:41 BST

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