Corrections to trivia

From: Doug Yowza <>
Date: Mon Oct 5 23:33:10 1998

> > So the F14 CADC is a microcomputer. The LSI-11 is a microcomputer.
> > The Z80 is a CPU as is the 80586.
> I think this is the most intelligent description to be applied since I got
> involved in this whole debate earlier this year.

You mean avoiding the issue altogether? I think it's always good to name
things. Microprocessor is a useful name. What isn't always useful is to
try to define "first".

Nobody really cares if the 4004 was first. The 4004 is important due to
its influence. The Altair wasn't first, but it had great influence. The
Osborne wasn't the first portable, but ... you get the idea.

To me, "microprocessor" means something that was heavily influenced by the
4004 or its relatives, and that's a useful distinction. Is there a better
word for that?

-- Doug
Received on Mon Oct 05 1998 - 23:33:10 BST

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