First Microprocessor (was Re: Corrections to trivia)

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Fri Oct 9 14:13:16 1998

On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Doug Yowza wrote:

> Does anybody know where I can find a copy of David Hyatt's 1970
> microprocessor patent? (This is the one that was thrown out after TI and
> Intel took him to court in 1996).

His name is Gilbert Hyatt.


4942516 : Single chip integrated circuit computer architectur
Issued: Jul 17, 1990


4121284 : Computerized system for operator interaction
Issued: Oct. 17, 1978
(interesting to me because it was filed in my home town)

The first "personal computer"?

5594908 : Computer system having a serial keyboard, a serial display, and
a dynamic memory with memory refresh
Issued: Jan. 14, 1997

Now before you scoff, this one is really interesting because some machines
were allegedly built in 1970 (but based on a two-sided PCB prototype of
the Hyatt "microprocessor"). It was called the Contourama IV, and was
built by Micro Computer Inc., a start-up that Hyatt spear-headed in 1968
(and was dissolved in 1971). Apparently it was the size of a small
refrigerator. It never worked very well and the start-up failed
disastrously. That's all the information I have, which I got from an
article in West magazine, December 2, 1990 (the article is several pages
long and is mainly about Hyatt's microprocessor patent).

Sam Alternate e-mail:
Ever onward.

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Received on Fri Oct 09 1998 - 14:13:16 BST

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