:::Sigh:: Well I know someone will help him out. Maybe someone can help him
with an eBay auction? He might could use the $$$. -Jim
>I read that you have some that may use old computers. I have 3 of them 1 128
>commador and two 64 with about 200 programs and game and a lot of blank disks.
>hat to just throw out on garbage if you know some one that could use them,
>trouble is the would have to pick them up at 101 old lanes mill rd. brick nj
>08724 7324581582 as I'm 81 and do not drive too much
"Recyclable" is the politically-correct term for "Garbage"
mailto:native-sun_at_usa.net * Jim Weiler *
Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 13:11:38 BST