Fwd: antique arcade machines

From: Jim Weiler <heavy_at_ctesc.net>
Date: Wed Oct 14 13:28:08 1998

This doesn't say if they are antique computer arcade machines, but I
thought someone might be interested, here. -Jim Weiler

>>From owner-auctions_at_web0.netis.com Wed Oct 14 14:13:18 1998
>X-Authentication-Warning: web0.netis.com: majordomo set sender to
>owner-auctions_at_maillist.netis.com using -f
>From: don_shearer_at_wda.disney.com
>Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:07:17 -0400
>To: <auctions_at_auctionweb.com>
>Subject: antique arcade machines
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Sender: owner-auctions_at_web0.netis.com
>Precedence: bulk
>Status: U
> We have a small collection (13 items) of antique arcade machines for
> disposal. They are in an average condition (some operatable, some
> not). Do you know of anyone who may be interested in purchasing these
> items?
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  mailto:YaCCCht_at_hosts.talkcity.com * Jim Weiler * mailto:heavy_at_ctesc.net
Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 13:28:08 BST

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