Scanning (was: TurboDos)

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Sun Oct 25 01:53:35 1998

  Thank you very much for the scanning info, Eric. If I can get my
clients out of here reasonably early enough Sunday(tomorrow), I will
give things a try along the lines you've suggested... seems I have
most of the tools lying around here somewhere.

  My offer, though, re: the doc that spawned this thread, still
holds. If you want this TurboDos info, it is yours for the price of
UPS or FedEx from Los Angeles.

  Thanx again!

PS: Thanx Ward G. I had quite forgotten about the F/F/F system of
mensuration. And it is no less ridiculous than the one we (in 'Merka)
use that is derived from human anatomy and plant biology.


Received on Sun Oct 25 1998 - 01:53:35 BST

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