bringing up an 8f...

From: Chuck McManis <>
Date: Mon Apr 5 12:23:03 1999

At 05:40 AM 4/5/99 -0400, Allison J Parent wrote:
>The last 8e pannel I worked with was also ttl. there may have been two
>versions (very likely).

Actually you can date '8s by their front panels ;-) The original PDP-8/E
panel used diodes and a separate lamp supply. At some point (between 1970
and 1972) it was re-designed to use TTL and at the same time the need for
the separate lamp supply was removed, later the lamp sockets were rewired
to accept LEDs (lamps burn out a lot), and then later still (about 1972+)
the LEDs were wired directly on to the panel. I believe, but have not had a
true digit confirm, that the 8/F was named such because the panel had
evolved to the point where it no longer looked like an "E". Clearly the
front panel graphics were redesigned a bit but not much else. The 8/M is
exactly the 8/F with a different decal plate and switch colors (the light
and dark hues are exactly reversed) [If you look at Megan's picture of the
'haul' you can see this in the 8/e and 8/f]

Anyway, if you've got a TTL front panel they are all pretty much the same.
The 8/e/f/m printset only describes this panel.

Received on Mon Apr 05 1999 - 12:23:03 BST

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