> At 10:28 PM 4/5/99 +1000, Huw Davies wrote:
> >
> >The Pascal Microengine was a hardware implementation of P-code a stack
> >based instruction set that was designed to make compilation from Pascal
> >into it easy. The original compiler (P4) was written by Urs Amman (sp?) at
> >ETH. I believe that this compiler formed the basis of the UCSD Pascal
> >environment which was Java '70s style :-)
> My UCSD Pascal history page, including a vital 1973 source code
> contribution from Huw, is at <http://www.threedee.com/jcm/>.
> As I point out on my page, even Prof. Nicklaus Wirth may not have
> a copy of his original compiler source code. Later he did find a
> CDC 6400 7-track mag tape that may hold the source, but he's unable
> to find a machine to read it. If anyone can help with this project,
> that would be great!
Of course, I located the source to pdp8 Pascal some years ago, which is
modified P4 (Urs Ammann, Kesav Nori, Christain Jacobi). I gave it to
someone to put on a pdp8 ftp site, and of course I still have the code.
-Lawrence (and you thought I only did Teraks) LeMay
Received on Mon Apr 05 1999 - 12:21:54 BST