That's the same URL that I have bookmarked. I very strongly recommend
that every programmer read through it, at least once. It is long, but
enlightening. Correctness is a lot more than "seems to work".
On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, (Clint Wolff) wrote:
] > ::Actually, the THERAC-25 radiation therapy machine is a good example of
] > ::poor hardware AND software design which killed a number of people by
] > ::giving them too high a dose of radiation, either for too long or
] > ::without the proper screen in place.
] >
] > !?!
] >
] > Has this been documented anywhere? Where did you find this out from?
] Take a look at
] This is a reprint from IEEE Computer (might even be the original article
] I saw :)
] clint
Received on Wed Apr 07 1999 - 21:32:24 BST