On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Pete Turnbull wrote:
> so I
> > > guess there would have been a floppy with it, originally.
> >
> > What in these strings leads you to believe it would have been connected
> to
> > a floppy? It was strictly a hard drive interface.
> Erm, nothing, Sellam. I *didn't* suggest it could *connect* to a floppy
> drive; I think there may have been a supplementary floppy disk containing
> (at least) a formatter, since those are the *only* strings in the ROM. It
Oops, sorry. I misread that.
> looks like it's just boot/driver code, so I think there must be some other
> way to format the (winchester) drive.
You are correct. Generally the Xebec interfaces were used with the Sider
hard drives (at least those are the only drives I've ever seen them
used with) and they came with utilities on floppies for partitioning and
formatting the drive.
> I know you have a lot of Apple ][ stuff. Anything like this? Do you have
> a pinout for any contemporary Apple ][ SASI/SCSI interface?
I don't think this is SASI since the actual hard drive is a ST-225 or
equivalent. More like MFM. I don't think I have the pinout, but then my
Sider manuals are stored away somewhere, and I don't know that they would
necessarily have any technical info for the Xebec card.
Are you wanting to use it to hook a hard drive up to your Apple ][?
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Sun Apr 18 1999 - 06:51:27 BST