On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Pete Turnbull wrote:
> On Apr 17, 22:32, Bill Yakowenko wrote:
> > Subject: shipping floppy disk drives
> > I'll be shipping a few floppy disk drives soon, and want to minimize
> > the shipping damage to them. So, is it better to ship them with the
> > drive door open or closed? And with or without a floppy inserted?
> If they're single-sided, it doesn't matter much. If double-sided, then
> open with no disk is fine, so long as the mechanism can't be jolted into
> letting the upper head hit the lower one. This is pretty well true of most
> 3.5" drives, and they're usually shipped like that. On some 5.25" drives,
> though, the door or lever could be moved, so inserting a floppy and closing
> the door may be better. I'd suggest putting it in back-to-front (or use a
> sheet of thick card with a hole in the middle) to improve the cushioning
> effect.
I've seen plastic shipping inserts for 3.5" drives. To be safe, I'd try
to get one of these inserts for shipping the 3.5" as well. Maybe a local
computer store would have some.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Sun Apr 18 1999 - 06:53:13 BST