I suppose that's true, Hans, BUT, in1982, there were few other processors
than the 6502 and Z-80 in popular use, with the exception of the 8080A and
the 8085, of course. The majority of home computers, though, used one of
these two, at that time. Several years later, we found the 6510 and 6809 in
commercially interesting applications, but not for as long a period as the
Z-80 and 6502. These two had a life of nearly ten years before the IBM-PC
and its clones wrenched the home computer market from their grasp.
My last, albeit not "commercial" application was designed with a pair of
65C02's (just under 5MHz) and a pair of 8751's in '86. The 6502 and Z-80
made their appearance in '76, as I recall, though there may have been a few
out in '75. The big 6502 rollout was in '76, though.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: z80 timing... 6502 timing
>> While your comments are valid observations, I submit, however, that we're
>> coming at this from two different viewpoints. I wish to address the
>> question "Which processor is faster, 6502 or Z-80?" while you want a
>> comparison of processors. Unfortunately, answering one question doesn't
>> address the other.
>The 6502 vs. Z80 is only a subplot in the all CPU question - so
>if the measurement does fit the general question it also fits
>the specific. In fact, if we go for the general thing, the rules
>will be much more aprobiate then when we only focuse on two
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Received on Wed Apr 21 1999 - 12:57:38 BST