If I went down with a pickupload of that stuff I might bring back a pickup
load of other stuff....
George L. Rachor Jr. george_at_racsys.rt.rain.com
Beaverton, Oregon
United States of America Amateur Radio : KD7DCX
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Marvin wrote:
> > Hmmm, another thought ... VCF 3.0 is coming up and would be a great place to
> > sell off these systems if you have the time, room, and inclination to do so!
> Yeah, good point. I'll wager that if you were to put this all in the back
> of a pickup and drive down to VCF 3.0 for the weekend, you'd drive back up
> with a stack of bills in your pocket and an empty pickup.
> Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
> Coming this October 2-3: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0!
> See http://www.vintage.org/vcf for details!
> [Last web site update: 04/03/99]
Received on Wed Apr 21 1999 - 13:05:43 BST