Another data point w.r.t. implementing microprocessors in FPGAs
involves the 6502: When Altera was initially rolling out their 10K
family of FPGAs, one of their marketing charts shows how they
built a 6502 processor inside a 10K50 device using only 7% of
the FPGA resources.
Alex Knight
Calculator History & Technology Web Page
At 06:05 PM 8/26/99 -0700, Chuck wrote:
>I did a preliminary "floor plan" for the PDP-8 and it used just under 1/3
>of the 4010 (or 75% of a 4005 given the routing issues, which leaves enough
>to do an M8660 serial port.)
Received on Fri Aug 27 1999 - 10:56:42 BST