Comparison of system specs. - how far have we developed?

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Sat Dec 11 13:37:19 1999

>On a similar vein, I think it would be cool to see an Atari ST emulator on
>the Palm... the screen sizes are pretty close, there's enough memory (on a
>palm III) for a 1Meg ST emulator, it uses the same processor, so it
>shouldn't run *too* slowly... but hooking up that floppy drive would be a
>bit tough, I'll admit... ;-)

Maybe you could run the floppy via the IR or serial links?

I just bought my wife a Palm IIIx, but haven't been allowed to touch it
yet. My soldering iron is ready though. ;)
Received on Sat Dec 11 1999 - 13:37:19 GMT

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